Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How Can I Get Some of that FAITH?!!

I am Blessed. I find myself overwhelmed by just how awesome God is. I am constantly reminded of the benefits that have been bestowed upon me as an adopted prince of the Great King. Much more than finance, my life is rich with Friends and Family who are beautiful. I bask in undeserved Love from all sides and I have an immeasurable peace that is worth more than any dollar can buy.

My friends always ask me how I got to this point of Faith. How did I come to lean on my Father for EVERYTHING? How did I come to understand that my Dad is real and not a story that I’ve chosen to “accept” as true? How can an educated, logical man choose to trust in the improbable and bizarre chain of events that the bible weaves? How do I believe?
I’m no different than anyone I know. I haven’t been given any insight that is not available to everyone. My Faith is the result of a Walk. I am the product of a series of meticulously planned and methodically placed steps that have been laid out before me by my Father. These steps weren’t designed to lead me to riches and fame. Nor were they orchestrated to make me perfect.

The Blessed result of my continual walk is simple… To know the Father. There’s a huge difference in knowing ABOUT God and actually KNOWING Him. The purpose of this Walk is to bring you to the latter. This is the key to the city. It’s the Holy Grail. The better you get to know the Father, the more clarity is released in your life. The more clarity you have, the shorter distance to Peace. And anyone who’s ever experience God’s Peace will tell you, THAT’s the real endgame. That’s where you want to set up residence.

God’s peace trumps the bill collectors, the cheating spouse, the nagging sickness, the marathon unemployment, the drug habit, the evil boss, the hunger pains, the eviction notice, the divorce papers, the overheated engine, the judgmental friends, the hurtful words, the abusive hands, the lingering addiction, the loneliness, the heartache… The Peace of God trumps it ALL…
How do you get it you ask? Good question… There’s no magical oil required… No ancient mystical chant needed… No permission from the preacher necessary… Absolutely no financial obligation to pay for (that’s another topicJ)…
Beloved, all you have to do is seek His Face. Yearn for Him. Ask Him to be closer. Tell Him you can’t get enough of Him. Make Him your focus. Stumble and fall towards Him until He clears your path. He wants you more than you could ever imagine. He wants to give you the desires of your heart; you just need to tell Him you want Him. That’s it. That’s all. Wake up each day and tell Him you intend to chase after Him. Release His Hands into your life. He wants you regardless of where you are. Trust me…

And as He begins His work in you, just watch how your life falls in place. Watch how He moves on your behalf. The evidence will be for YOU. You’ll begin to see that He’s real. He will speak YOUR language for YOUR ears. Natural man will be confused… They will be quick to call you a fool. WHO CARES?!! I would choose to be fools in God’s court over a king out of His favor ANY DAY!!

Faith starts with your spark. But God kindles it into a flame… a fire inside you that will permeate from your very pores. People will feel it when in your presence. They’ll see it on your face… in your walk… They’ll hear it in your voice… Focus on God; invite Him into your everyday life… He wants every minute.

I could write about this for hours. But I’m gonna let you marinate on it for a bit…

Let me just say that there’s no special prayer you have to pray for Him to respond saints. The shortest prayer will work… “Help” Or even better, call on that Name… “Jesus”! Commit to a 30 second conversation with the Father every day. That’s all. You’ll find very quickly that it won’t be enough for you. Get a hold of an audio bible if you don’t like to read. Just do something.

Ok, I’m through… I Love you whether I know you or not… I’m learning that from my Daddy!! Be blessed!!

For Those Who Have an Ear…

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